Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Alternatives to Windows Vista

Worried about having to upgrade to Windows Vista on every PC?

Concerned that your PCs can't meet Microsoft's requirements for powerful memory and graphics capabilities?

You're not alone.

Estimates are that 50% of the average business PCs in the US do not meet the minimum Vista requirements, and 94% do not meet the Vista Premium requirements.

If you're considering deploying Vista, then you're probably going to need to replace your desktop PCs.

And if you're going to replace your desktops, why not consider Symbio diskless thin clients instead?

If you want to move to Vista enterprise-wide, you could upgrade the server to Vista and switch the desktops to Symbio thin clients, instead of upgrading the server to Vista and replacing all the desktops with Vista-capable PCs. Symbio thin clients are far less expensive than Vista-capable PCs, far more secure, reliable, and longer lasting.

Boot, command and control your 6" tall, diskless thin clients with The Symbiont Boot Appliance.

Now you only have to touch one machine to update everyone instantly.

Don't just upgrade your network. Improve it!

Make this upgrade your last upgrade with The Symbiont Solution

Smaller than a paperback book and weighing just 2 pounds, our SYM1112 has the perfect footprint for every working environment.

  • no moving parts
  • nothing to break
  • no embedded software
  • nothing that can be corrupted

And offers the maximum in data security.

ITB, Inc is a Symbio Authorized Reseller.

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